Treću godinu zaredom, dakle u sve tri dosadašnje sezone PRO 3×3 Toura, svaki put na novoj atraktivnoj lokaciji, glavni i najveći hrvatski grad bio je domaćin jednoga od spektakularnih međunarodnih turnira u 3×3 košarci. Ovogodišnji turnir odigran je protekloga u petak i subotu, 12. i 13. srpnja, pred brojnom publikom iz Hrvatske i inozemstva na posebnom 3×3 igralištu postavljenom u samom središtu Zagreba – na Trgu kralja Tomislava.


Bio je to osmi i pretposljednji izlučni turnir u okviru ovogodišnjeg PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel, koji se u razdoblju od 10. svibnja do 17. kolovoza 2024. održava na ukupno 10 atraktivnih lokacija, većinom u središtima gradova, diljem Hrvatske. Prvih sedam ovogodišnjih turnira organizirani su redom: na jadranskim destinacijama (u Hvaru, Trogiru i Umagu), zatim na jedinstvenoj lokaciji odmorišta Rebri na Istarskom ipsilonu, u središnjoj Hrvatskoj (gradu Zaboku) te u Slavoniji (u Vinkovcima i Donjem Miholjcu).


Zanimljivo, u snažnoj međunarodnoj konkurenciji momčadi iz više europskih zemalja na kraju su u Zagrebu u sve tri kategorije slavile hrvatske ekipe. U iznimno napetoj finalnoj utakmici u Senior Elite Men kategoriji, odigranoj u subotu navečer (13. srpnja), hrvatska momčad Sportko uspjela je tijesnim rezultatom nadvisiti slovensku ekipu 3×3 Ljubljana – Jug. Time su, osim FIBA bodova, osvojili i novčanu nagradu od 2.000 eura i izravan plasman na veliki Završni turnir PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel u Šibeniku. Pobjednici, koji su na ovaj način uhvatili osmo mjesto u velikom šibenskom finalu, nastupili su u sastavu: Franko Dugandžić, Stanko Kujundžić, Josip Vidović i Ivan Vrgoč. Drugoplasirana ekipa osvojila je iznos od 600 eura, a trećeplasiranoj momčadi WWin (Bosna i Hercegovina) pripalo je 400 eura. U natjecanju muških juniorskih U-19 ekipa pak u hrvatskom finalu slavila je ekipa Nitui, nadvisivši momčad Stara Škola omjerom 21:15. Treće mjesto pripalo je ekipi Vertikalija. U ženskoj seniorskoj kategoriji Open Women, koja se ove godine prvi put službeno organizira u okviru PRO 3×3 Toura, pobijedila je ekipa Mlin koja je u završnoj utakmici bila bolja od ekipe Nije Priša s 14:4.


Nagrade najboljim ekipama na turniru, između ostalih, uručili su Tina Tadić, direktorica marketinga tvrtke Opel Hrvatska, koja je generalni sponzor ovogodišnjeg Toura te sestre Miroslava i Dragana Jaramaz, poznate doktorice znanosti i ekologinje iz Zagreba. Program oba dana, unatoč gotovo nesnosnoj vrućini, privukao je velik broj gledatelja koji su napravili izvrsnu atmosferu. 


„Vrućina gradskog asfalta nije nas spriječila da u Zagrebu uspješno realiziramo osmu postaju PRO 3×3 Toura 2024. driven by OPEL. U petak smo užarenu zagrebačku atmosferu dodatno ugrijali u večernjim i ranim noćnim satima pod budnim okom kralja Tomislava, a u subotu smo, zajedno s U-19 juniorskim ekipama i sa ženskim ekipama, već od 12:30 zapalili teren na Tomislavcu, uz iznenađujuće dobar odaziv publike. Očito vrućina nije problem kada je razlog dolaska atraktivan i dinamičan 3×3. Od 17 do 19 sati na terenu su uživala djeca tijekom Kids Daya, odnosno programa namijenjenog najmlađima, a na tribinama i pod suncobranima Hella i Jamnice ponosno su uživali njihovi roditelji. Seniorska međunarodna košarka, koja se igrala od 19 do 23:30, privukla je toliki broj gledatelja da ćemo za budućnost morati udvostručiti kapacitet tribina. U vrhunskoj košarci uživala je publika iz svih dijelova svijeta, bez obzira na boju kože, vjeru i naciju. I sportski i turistički gledano, PRO 3×3 Tour je Zagrebu pružio istinski spektakl u centru grada! Gotovo neizdrživu vrućinu uspjeli smo prebroditi zahvaljujući sponzorima, uz velike količine vode Jana, Jamnice, PRO sporta, energetskog napitka Hell i sokova XIXO“, istaknuo je Tomislav Prpić u ime Udruge PRO 3×3 kao glavnih organizatora. Dodao je kako su, uz bogat sportski program praćen žestokom glazbenom podlogom, publiku razveselile i brojne nagradne igre gdje su se odvažni okušali u šutiranju trica i slobodnih bacanja, kako bi kući otišli sa dodatnim uspomenama na zagrebački 3×3 spektakl.  

Organizirano je i nekoliko posebnih, dodatnih sadržaja. Tako je okupljene u subotu zabavio i popularni stand-up komičar Goran Vugrinec Goc, a najsretniji gledatelji su preko nagradnih igara od organizatora te Muzejsko-memorijalnog centra Dražen Petrović i Zaklade Dražen Petrović dobili posebne nagrade: jedinstvene promotivne 3×3 lopte sa znakom PRO 3×3 Toura te repliku dresa KK Cibona, kakav je nosio Dražen Petrović, „košarkaški Mozart“ i prerano preminula legenda hrvatske košarke. 


Sada slijedi mala stanka, a deveti i posljednji ovosezonski izlučni turnir u okviru PRO 3×3 2024. driven by Opel održat će se 9. i 10. kolovoza 2024. (petak i subota) u Novoj Gradiški. Navedenoga vikenda bit će pravi trodnevni praznik 3×3 košarke u ovom lijepom slavonskom gradu jer će se u nedjelju, 11. kolovoza, odmah nadovezati i sedmo izdanje humanitarnoga streetball turnira „Svi smo uz tebe, Hrva!“, u čijoj pripremi i organizaciji redovito sudjeluje i Udruga PRO 3×3.       


          Što se tiče samoga PRO 3×3 Toura, riječ je o jedinstvenom sportsko-turističko-edukativnom događaju koji ima i natjecateljski karakter. Osim financijske nagrade za najbolje, sve prijavljene ekipe iz Hrvatske i inozemstva prikupljaju bodove kako bi na taj način pokušale osigurati plasman na veliko finale u sklopu ovog Toura koje će biti organizirano 16. i 17. kolovoza 2024. u Šibeniku. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ponovno ima prestižan status FIBA Quest za mušku Elite kategoriju pa će pobjednik Završnog turnira 12. i 13. listopada 2024. putovati na FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters u Amsterdam (Nizozemska)!


PRO 3×3 Tour organizira Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Glavni sponzor je Opel, a sponzori su još HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran produkcija, Enlio, Tahograf i Antao 2002. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.


Detaljnije informacije o ovogodišnjem Touru i turniru u Zagrebu mogu se pronaći na službenoj internetskoj stranici i na društvenim mrežama Toura te na internetskoj stranici:×3-tour-2024-driven-by-opel.

For the third year in a row, that is, in all three seasons of the PRO 3×3 Tour so far, each time at a new attractive location, the main and largest Croatian city hosted one of the spectacular international tournaments in 3×3 basketball. This year’s tournament was played last Friday and Saturday, July 12 and 13, in front of a large audience from Croatia and abroad on a special 3×3 playing field set up in the very center of Zagreb – on Trg kralja Tomislava.


It was the eighth and penultimate qualifying tournament within this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel, which will be held from May 10 to August 17, 2024 at a total of 10 attractive locations, mostly in city centers, across Croatia. The first seven tournaments of this year were organized in order: in the Adriatic destinations (in Hvar, Trogir and Umag), then in the unique location of the Rebri rest area on the Istrian Epsilon, in central Croatia (the town of Zabok) and in Slavonia (in Vinkovci and Donji Miholjac).


Interestingly, in the strong international competition of teams from several European countries, in the end, Croatian teams won in all three categories in Zagreb. In an extremely tense final match in the Senior Elite Men category, played on Saturday evening (July 13), the Croatian team Sportko managed to overcome the Slovenian team 3×3 Ljubljana – South by a narrow score. With this, in addition to FIBA ​​points, they also won a cash prize of 2,000 euros and a direct entry to the big final tournament PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel in Šibenik. The winners, who in this way took eighth place in the Šibenik Grand Final, performed in the composition of: Franko Dugandžić, Stanko Kujundžić, Josip Vidović and Ivan Vrgoč. The second-placed team won the amount of 600 euros, and the third-placed team WWin (Bosnia and Herzegovina) received 400 euros. In the men’s junior U-19 team competition, the Nitui team celebrated in the Croatian final, beating the Stara Škola team by a score of 21:15. The third place went to the Vertikalija team. In the women’s senior Open Women category, which is officially organized this year for the first time as part of the PRO 3×3 Tour, the Mlin team won, which in the final match was better than the Nije Priša team with 14:4.


Awards to the best teams in the tournament were presented, among others, by Tina Tadić, marketing director of the Opel Hrvatska company, which is the general sponsor of this year’s Tour, and sisters Miroslava and Dragana Jaramaz, well-known PhDs and environmentalists from Zagreb. The program on both days, despite the almost unbearable heat, attracted a large number of spectators who created an excellent atmosphere.


“The heat of the city asphalt did not prevent us from successfully realizing the eighth stop of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by OPEL in Zagreb. On Friday, we warmed up the heated Zagreb atmosphere in the evening and early night hours under the watchful eye of King Tomislav, and on Saturday, together with the U-19 junior teams and the women’s teams, we set fire to the field at Tomislavac from 12:30, with a surprisingly good turnout. audience. Obviously, the heat is not a problem when the reason for coming is the attractive and dynamic 3×3. From 17:00 to 19:00, children enjoyed themselves on the field during Kids Day, i.e. a program intended for the youngest, and their parents proudly enjoyed themselves in the stands and under the umbrellas of Hella and Jamnica. Senior international basketball, which was played from 19:00 to 23:30, attracted such a large number of spectators that we will have to double the capacity of the stands for the future. Audiences from all parts of the world, regardless of skin color, religion and nation, enjoyed the top basketball. Both in terms of sports and tourism, the PRO 3×3 Tour provided Zagreb with a true spectacle in the city center! We managed to overcome the almost unbearable heat thanks to the sponsors, with large quantities of Jana water, Jamnica, PRO sport, Hell energy drink and XIXO juices”, said Tomislav Prpić on behalf of the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3) as the main organizers. He added that, in addition to a rich sports program accompanied by a fierce musical background, the audience was also delighted by numerous prize games where the brave tried their hand at shooting three-pointers and free throws, in order to go home with additional memories of the Zagreb 3×3 spectacle.

Several special, additional contents were also organized. The crowd was entertained on Saturday by the popular stand-up comedian Goran Vugrinec Goc, and the luckiest spectators received special prizes through prize games from the organizers and the Dražen Petrović Museum-Memorial Center and the Dražen Petrović Foundation: unique promotional 3×3 balls with the PRO 3×3 Tour logo and a replica of the KK Cibona jersey, as worn by Dražen Petrović, the “Mozart of basketball” and a legend of Croatian basketball who passed away too soon.


Now there is a short break, and the ninth and last selection tournament of this season within the framework of PRO 3×3 2024 driven by Opel will be held on August 9 and 10, 2024 (Friday and Saturday) in Nova Gradiška. The mentioned weekend will be a real three-day holiday of 3×3 basketball in this beautiful Slavonian city, because on Sunday, August 11, the seventh edition of the humanitarian streetball tournament “We are all with you, Hrva!”, in the preparation and organization of which he regularly participates Association PRO 3×3 (Udruga PRO 3×3).


As for the PRO 3×3 Tour itself, it is a unique sports-tourist-educational event that also has a competitive character. In addition to the financial prize for the best, all registered teams from Croatia and abroad collect points in order to try to secure a place in the grand finals as part of this Tour, which will be organized on August 16 and 17, 2024 in Šibenik. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel once again has the prestigious FIBA ​​Quest status for the men’s Elite category, so the winner of the Final Tournament on October 12 and 13, 2024 will travel to the FIBA ​​3×3 World Tour Masters in Amsterdam (Netherlands)!


The PRO 3×3 Tour is organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. The main sponsor is Opel, and other sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran production, Enlio, Tahograf and Antao 2002. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.


More detailed information about this year’s Tour and the tournament in Zagreb can be found on the official website and on the social networks of the Tour and on the website: events/pro-3×3-tour-2024-driven-by-opel

See you soon in Nova Gradiška!

Organizers PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel






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