Na Završnom turniru PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel, serije spektakularnih međunarodnih turnira u 3×3 košarci, koji je protekloga vikenda (u petak i subotu, 16. i 17. kolovoza) održan u Šibeniku, titulu pobjednika u glavnoj Elite Men kategoriji odnijela je izvrsna momčad Liman Cerex (Srbija). Budući da je PRO 3×3 Tour i u ovoj, trećoj sezoni ponovno imao prestižan status FIBA Quest, time je pobjednička ekipa ujedno zaslužila i sudjelovanje na FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters, koji će se održati 12. i 13. listopada 2024. u Amsterdamu (Nizozemska), a nastupit će ponajbolje ekipe iz svih krajeva svijeta.

Podsjetimo, ovogodišnje izdanje PRO 3×3 Toura realizirano je tijekom više od tri mjeseca na ukupno 10 top lokacija, većinom u središtima gradova, diljem Hrvatske. Tour je započeo prvim izlučnim turnirom 10. i 11. svibnja u Trogiru, a potom je uslijedilo još osam dvodnevnih turnira koji su redom uspješno realizirani u Hvaru, Umagu, na odmorištu Rebri (Istarski ipsilon), u Zaboku, Donjem Miholjcu, Zagrebu i Novoj Gradiški. Na njima su vrhunske međunarodne 3×3 ekipe, osvajanjem pojedinih postaja PRO 3×3 Toura i prikupljanjem dovoljnog broja FIBA bodova, osigurale svoje mjesto na velikom Završnom turniru u Šibeniku. Najuspješnijim ekipama s devet matičnih PRO 3×3 turnira pridružili su se i najbolji sudionici s pet inozemnih partnerskih turnira, organiziranih tijekom lipnja i srpnja 2024. u Pečuhu (Mađarska), Murskoj Soboti (Slovenija), Madridu (Španjolska) te Živinicama i Aleksandrovcu (Bosna i Hercegovina), kao i nekoliko ekipa koje su zaslužile pozivnicu organizatora. Na novom, posebnom 3×3 igralištu, najboljem u ovom dijelu Europe, koje je, kao i prošle godine u finalu, bilo postavljeno u samom središtu Šibenika, na glavnom gradskom Trgu Poljana; snage je u dva dana odmjerilo ukupno 25 kvalitetnih ekipa iz više europskih zemalja u čak tri različite kategorije – seniorskoj Elite Men i juniorskoj U-19 (muškarci)  te, prvi put, Open Women (žene).

Nadmetanja obje večeri bila su jako uzbudljiva, zanimljiva i neizvjesna. Osobito se to odnosi na završnicu koja je odigrana u subotu navečer (17. kolovoza) u sve tri kategorije. Na kraju je, u napetoj finalnoj utakmici u Elite Men konkurenciji, ekipa Liman Cerex (Srbija) svladala odličnu momčad Podgorica Kodio iz Crne Gore rezultatom 21:19. Time su pobjednicima, osim puta u Amsterdam i novih FIBA bodova, pripali i poseban PRO 3×3 Tour pehar i novčanu nagradu od 2.000 eura. Liman Cerex nastupio je u sastavu: Aleksa Kojadinović, Andreja Milutinović, Mihailo Vasić i Stefan Žigon. 3×3 majstor Mihailo Vasić pri tome je odabran i za MVP-a (najkorisnijeg igrača) Elite Men turnira. Drugoplasirani finalisti iz Crne Gore dobili su novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 800 eura. Treće mjesto i nagradu od 600 eura u seniorskoj konkurenciji osvojila je momčad Aluplastik Živinice (Bosna i Hercegovina), prošlogodišnji pobjednici PRO 3×3 Toura. Ekipe koje su zauzele od 4. do 6. mjesta dobile su po 200 eura.

Sve je prštalo od uzbuđenja i u ostale dvije kategorije. U muškoj juniorskoj U-19 konkurenciji finale je završilo istovjetnim tijesnim rezultatom 21:19 kao i kod muških seniora, a titulu pobjednika zaslužila je momčad Limarija Vasilić (Bosna i Hercegovina) pobjedom nad ekipom 3×3 Laćarak (Srbija). Treće mjesto zauzela je hrvatska momčad 3×3 Osijek Zvjezdice. Prekrasni Krešimirov grad pak bio je poprište i prvog finala u konkurenciji ženskih ekipa na PRO 3×3 Touru. Na kraju je povijesni naslov osvojila hrvatska ekipa Melem pobjedom nad djevojkama iz tima Mo-Sa (Bosna i Hercegovina), dok se na treću poziciju smjestila ekipa Nije priša.  

Šibensko veliko finale bilo je opet po mnogo čemu spektakularno i posebno. Vrhunska produkcija događaja, kao i u prošlogodišnjem finalu, bila je nadopunjena tehnološkim sadržajima koji su još pojačali cjelokupan izvrstan doživljaj cijeloga turnira. Primjerice, bile su tu dodatne kamere i dodatni veliki ekran na kojemu je okupljena brojna publika mogla pratiti utakmice uz gledanje uživo te ponovno u reprizi pogledati najzanimljivije ili sporne trenutke. Kao i na prethodnih devet izlučnih turnira, sve je utakmice uživo s komentarima prenosio Sportklub, a izravni prijenosi mogli su se gledati i na službenoj internetskoj stranici i službenoj Facebook stranici, kao i na YouTube kanalu PRO 3×3 Toura. Nakon što je to prvi put učinio prošle godine u šibenskom velikom finalu, PRO 3×3 Tour i ovaj je put koristio videotehnologiju u odigravanju i prijenosu utakmica 3×3 košarke. Sve utakmice pokrivane su simultano pomoću osam kamera koje su se, na zahtjev ekipa ili samih sudaca, koristile za provjeru pojedinih sudačkih odluka. Svaka ekipa imala je pravo na jedan tzv. challenge, odnosno zatražiti preispitivanje po jedne sudačke odluke po utakmici. Akteri Završnog turnira pohvalili su ovakvu odluku organizatora, ocijenivši kako je ona značajno doprinijela smanjivanju broja spornih situacija na minimum.

Osim iznimno kvalitetnih 3×3 košarkaških utakmica, igranih u „špici“ ljetne turističke sezone na atraktivnoj lokaciji, tijekom oba dana finalnog turnira brojni okupljeni su mogli uživati i u popratnim zabavnim i edukativnim sadržajima. Vrhunac obje večeri (16. i 17. kolovoza) bila su čak tri spektakularna nastupa slovenske akrobatske skupine Dunking Devils, koja iza sebe ima preko 2000 nastupa u više od 55 zemalja svijeta. Oni su svojim trikovima i akrobatskim zakucavanjima, izvedenih pomoću posebnih trampolina i strunjača, dodatno podizali već ionako sjajnu atmosferu te izazivali skandiranje i prave ovacije publike na krcatim tribinama. U oba dana organizirano je mnogo nagradnih igara i različitih natjecanja za gledatelje, poput šutiranja „dvica“ i slobodnih bacanja, ali i plesa. Drugoga dana (subota, 17. kolovoza) u poslijepodnevnim satima održan je i već tradicionalni Kids Day, u okviru kojega su organizirane edukativne radionice o osnovama i pravilima 3×3 košarke te utakmice. Kids Day je izazvao veliko zanimanje najmlađih pa su u njemu sudjelovale brojne djevojčice i dječaci, a posebne gošće bile su male članice Košarkaške akademije „Anđa Jelavić“ iz Šibenika. Druge večeri organizatori su nagradili i najbolje fotografije finalnih utakmica u juniorskoj i seniorskoj kategoriji te kratke videosnimke najboljih 3×3 trikova koje su snimili i poslali im gledatelji.   


U ime Udruge PRO 3×3 zahvalnost i zadovoljstvo realiziranim Završnim turnirom, ali i cijelim Tourom, izrazio je Tomislav Prpić: „Svaka postaja PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel imala je svojih posebnosti, a vrhunac, završnica u Šibeniku, bila je višnja na šlagu! Sa sve četiri strane terena tribine su bile popunjene i tražilo se mjesto s najboljim pogledom na teren. Bilo da su Dunking Devils palili atmosferu košarkaškim akrobacijama, bilo da smo promatrali utakmice juniora U-19, žena ili muških seniora; napetost, atraktivnost i dinamičnost igre tjerala je gledatelje oko terena da se podižu na prste u potrazi za boljim pogledom. DJ Hrvoje Žaknić, poznatiji kao Horhe, i MC Dario Livajić u stankama su uveseljavali publiku brojnim nagradnim igrama i nagradama sponzora za djecu i odrasle. Osmijesi, pljesak i dobro raspoloženje bili su glavno obilježje 3×3 spektakla na Poljani u Šibeniku“. On napominje kako su oko 3×3 terena viđene brojne popularne osobe iz svijeta sporta, politike i šoubiznisa, kao što su, primjerice, poznati televizijski voditelj Joško Lokas te Bruno Šundov, nekadašnji hrvatski košarkaški reprezentativac i NBA igrač. „Ipak, središte interesa bile su odlične i uzbudljive 3×3 utakmice. Gradu Šibeniku, Turističkoj zajednici grada Šibenika, divnoj šibenskoj publici i turistima, gostima Šibenika i okolice, kao i svim košarkaškim zaljubljenicima koji su se okupili na Trgu Poljana zahvaljujemo na podršci, sjajnoj atmosferi i sportskom bodrenju svojih favorita. Pokazali smo da sport može biti čista pozitiva i bodrenje sa iskrenim i dubokim respektom prema protivniku! Međunarodni spektakl opravdao je očekivanja, a mi iz Udruge PRO 3×3 obećavamo i u budućnosti sjajnu 3×3 košarku i sportsku energiju sa svih strana svijeta u našem, hrvatskom dvorištu“, zaključio je Tomislav Prpić.

PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel organizirala je Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Glavni sponzor je Opel, a sponzori su još HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran produkcija, Enlio, Tahograf, Antao 2002 i Aircash. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.

Partneri i suradnici velikog finala u Šibeniku bili su Grad Šibenik i Turistička zajednica grada Šibenika, a lokalni medijski partneri Radio Šibenik i Radio Ritam.

Detaljnije informacije o ovogodišnjem Touru i turniru u Šibeniku mogu se pronaći na službenoj internetskoj stranici https://pro3x3.hr/ i na društvenim mrežama Toura te na internetskoj stranici Turističke zajednice grada Šibenika: https://www.sibenik-tourism.hr/.

 Vidimo se iduće godine na PRO 3×3 Touru 2025.!

Organizatori PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel  





At the Final Tournament of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel, a series of spectacular international tournaments in 3×3 basketball, which was held last weekend (Friday and Saturday, August 16 and 17) in Šibenik, excellent team Liman Cerex (Serbia) won the title of winner in main Elite Men category. Since the PRO 3×3 Tour again had the prestigious FIBA ​​Quest status in its third season, the winning team also deserved participation in the FIBA ​​3×3 World Tour Masters, which will be held on October 12 and 13, 2024 in Amsterdam (Netherlands). , and the best teams from all over the world will perform.

As a reminder, this year’s edition of the PRO 3×3 Tour took place over three months at a total of 10 top locations, mostly in city centers, throughout Croatia. The Tour started with the first elimination tournament on May 10 and 11 in Trogir, followed by eight more two-day tournaments that were successfully held in Hvar, Umag, the Rebri rest area (Istria epsilon), Zabok, Donji Miholjac, Zagreb and Nova Gradiška. At them, the top international 3×3 teams, by winning individual stations of the PRO 3×3 Tour and collecting a sufficient number of FIBA ​​points, secured their place at the big Final Tournament in Šibenik. The most successful teams from nine home PRO 3×3 tournaments were joined by the best participants from five foreign partner tournaments, organized during June and July 2024 in Pécs (Hungary), Murska Sobota (Slovenia), Madrid (Spain) and Živinice and Aleksandrovac (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Herzegovina), as well as several teams that deserved the organizer’s invitation. On the new, special 3×3 playground, the best in this part of Europe, which, like last year’s final, was set up in the very center of Šibenik, on the main city square, Poljana Square; a total of 25 quality teams from several European countries competed in two days in three different categories – senior Elite Men and junior U-19 (men) and, for the first time, Open Women (women).

Competitions on both nights were very exciting, interesting and uncertain. This especially applies to the finals that were played on Saturday night (August 17) in all three categories. In the end, in the tense final match in the Elite Men competition, the team Liman Cerex (Serbia) defeated the excellent team Podgorica Kodio from Montenegro with a score of 21:19. In addition to a trip to Amsterdam and new FIBA ​​points, the winners also received a special PRO 3×3 Tour cup and a cash prize of 2,000 euros. For Liman Cerex team played: Aleksa Kojadinović, Andreja Milutinović, Mihailo Vasić and Stefan Žigon. 3×3 master Mihailo Vasić was also selected as the MVP (Most Valuable Player) of the Elite Men tournament. The second-placed finalists from Montenegro received a cash prize in the amount of 800 euros. Third place and a prize of 600 euros in the senior competition was won by the Aluplastik Živinice team (Bosnia and Herzegovina), last year’s winners of the PRO 3×3 Tour. The teams that took 4th to 6th place received 200 euros each.

Everything was bursting with excitement in the other two categories as well. In the men’s junior U-19 competition, the final ended with the same narrow score of 21:19 as in the men’s senior competition, and the title of winner was won by the team Limarija Vasilić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) with a victory over the team 3×3 Laćarak (Serbia). Third place was taken by the Croatian team 3×3 Osijek Zvjezdice. The beautiful Krešimir’s city was also the scene of the first final in the women’s team competition on the PRO 3×3 Tour. In the end, the Croatian team Melem won the historic title by defeating the girls from the team Mo-Sa (Bosnia and Herzegovina), while the team Nije priša took third place.

The Sibenik Grand Final was again spectacular and special in many ways. The superb production of the event, as in last year’s final, was complemented by technological content that further enhanced the overall excellent experience of the entire tournament. For example, there were additional cameras and an additional large screen on which a large audience could follow the matches while watching live and watch the most interesting or disputed moments again in replays. As in the previous nine selected tournaments, all matches were broadcast live with commentary by Sportklub, and live broadcasts could be watched on the official website and official Facebook page, as well as on the YouTube channel of the PRO 3×3 Tour. After doing it for the first time last year in the Sibenik Grand Final, PRO 3×3 Tour used video technology in playing and broadcasting 3×3 basketball matches. All matches were covered simultaneously using eight cameras which, at the request of the teams or the referees themselves, were used to check individual referee decisions. Each team had the right to one so-called challenge, i.e., request a review of one referee’s decision per match. Participants of the Final Tournament praised this decision of the organizers, judging that it significantly contributed to reducing the number of disputed situations to a minimum.

In addition to extremely high-quality 3×3 basketball matches, played in the “peak” of the summer tourist season at an attractive location, during both days of the Final Tournament, many people gathered could also enjoy accompanying entertainment and educational content. The highlight of both evenings (August 16 and 17) were three spectacular performances by the Slovenian acrobatic group Dunking Devils, which has over 2,000 performances in more than 55 countries. With their tricks and acrobatic dunks, performed using special trampolines and mats, they additionally raised the already great atmosphere and provoked chants and real ovations from the audience in the full stands. On both days, many prize games and various competitions for spectators were organized, such as shooting “doubles” and free throws, as well as dancing. On the second day (Saturday, August 17) in the afternoon, the already traditional Kids Day was held, during which educational workshops were organized on the basics and rules of 3×3 basketball and the game. Kids Day aroused great interest among the youngest, so many girls and boys took part in it, and special guests were young members of the Basketball Academy “Anđa Jelavić” from Šibenik. On the second evening, the organizers also awarded the best photos of the final matches in the junior and senior categories, as well as short videos of the best 3×3 tricks that were recorded and sent to them by the spectators.

Tomislav Prpić, on behalf of the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), expressed his gratitude and satisfaction with the Final Tournament, as well as the entire Tour: “Each station of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel had its own special features, and the highlight, the finals in Šibenik, was the icing on the cake! The stands were full on all four sides of the field and people were looking for a place with the best view of the field. Whether the Dunking Devils ignited the atmosphere with basketball acrobatics, whether we were watching the U-19, women’s or men’s senior matches; the tension, attractiveness and dynamism of the game forced the spectators around the field to stand on their toes in search of a better view. During the breaks, DJ Hrvoje Žaknić, better known as Horhe, and MC Dario Livajić entertained the audience with numerous prize games and sponsor prizes for children and adults. Smiles, applause and good mood were the main features of the 3×3 spectacle on Poljana in Šibenik”. He notes that many popular people from the world of sports, politics and show business have been seen around the 3×3 court, such as, for example, the famous TV presenter Joško Lokas and Bruno Šundov, former Croatian basketball national team member and NBA player. “Nevertheless, the center of interest was the excellent and exciting 3×3 matches. We thank the City of Šibenik, the Tourist Board of the City of Šibenik, the wonderful Šibenik audience and tourists, the guests of Šibenik and its surroundings, as well as all the basketball lovers who gathered at Poljana Square for their support, the great atmosphere and the sports cheering of their favorites. We showed that sport can be pure positivity and encouragement with sincere and deep respect for the opponent! The international spectacle lived up to expectations, and we from the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3) promise great 3×3 basketball and sports energy from all over the world in our Croatian backyard in the future as well,” concluded Tomislav Prpić.

PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel was organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. The main sponsor is Opel, and other sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran production, Enlio, Tahograf, Antao 2002 and Aircash. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.

Partners and collaborators of the grand final in Šibenik were the City of Šibenik and the Tourist Board of the City of Šibenik, and the local media partners were Radio Šibenik and Radio Ritam.

More detailed information about this year’s Tour and the tournament in Šibenik can be found on the official website https://pro3x3.hr/ and on the social networks of the Tour and on the website of the Tourist Board of the City of Šibenik: https://www.sibenik-tourism.hr/ .

See you next year at the PRO 3×3 Tour 2025!

Organizers of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel





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