The organizers and Zagreb partners of the PRO 3×3 Tour, a series of spectacular international basketball tournaments 3×3 (“3 on 3 players”) on Friday and Saturday, July 14 and 15, proved that basketball can be played also on – water. Namely, the Zagreb tournament was organized at an extremely attractive location: the Summer Stage on the lake in Bundek Park.
In a unique atmosphere, for two days, in the senior and junior competition, strong and quality teams from seven European countries – Greece, Ukraine, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia – competed in 3×3 basketball. In the grand final in the main Senior Elite category, played on the evening of the second day (July 15), the Podgorica Kodio, team from Montenegro, was celebrating, with a score of 22:8 convincingly defeating the rivals from the Croatian team Pharma Classic and winning a valuable cash prize of 2,000 euros. Members of the winning team were: Filip Dragojević, Petar Ivanović, Miloš Jovanović and Marko Raičević. The second-placed team received the sum of 800 euros, and the third place and a prize of 400 euros in the senior category went to the team Rising Stars Athens (Greece). Before that, in the junior U-19 competition, the team Ukraine U17 from Ukraine won, beating the Hungarian team Hun 18 in the final match.
Again, as in previous tournaments, the accompanying part was rich in content, especially in the entertainment and educational part. The novelty of the Zagreb tournament was the special promotion of the new mobile application and interactive poster of this year’s Tour. For this purpose, a knowledge quiz on 3×3 basketball was organized both evenings, and the best experts won valuable prizes from sponsors and donors. In addition, during both days of the tournament, many younger and older spectators tried their hand at shooting doubles and free throws and other games between games, and the best were also rewarded. On the second day, in the afternoon, the traditional Kids Day was first organized, as part of which educational workshops were held on the basics and rules of 3×3 basketball, competitions in shooting doubles and free throws, mutual trials on a real 3×3 playground and more. An exhibition match was also organized between the teams Lenovo and Rimac automobili, whose members also showed great skill in playing 3×3 basketball. In addition to numerous spectators from several countries around the world, the tournament was watched by many famous people over the course of two days, such as former Croatian basketball national team players Kruno Simon and Mario Kasun, former successful Croatian skier Nika Fleiss, actor Amar Bukvić and others.
“Already last year, in the first year of the PRO 3×3 Tour, we organized a tournament in Zagreb and it was very successful. This year we went not one, but three steps further and that is why we are very satisfied. First of all, this time the playground was set up at the attractive and unique location of the Summer Stage on the water of Lake Bundek. Many players, experienced participants of such tournaments, pointed out that it was the first time they had the opportunity to play in such an environment and they were delighted by the experience. Furthermore, the Zagreb tournament brought together quality teams from as many as seven European countries. And, also, with the help of a knowledge quiz, we publicly presented the technological innovations that we introduced this year – a mobile application and an interactive poster with AR, i.e. augmented reality. Special thanks to the sponsors, donors and partners in the organization of the Zagreb tournament, first and foremost the City of Zagreb, the Zagreb Sports Facilities Management Institution and the City Office for Sports, Education and Youth. Also, I would like to thank the audience that responded in large numbers, and there were many from different parts of the world”, said Ivan Paić, president of the Organizing Committee of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2023.
As a reminder, the second season of the PRO 3×3 Tour will be held until August 12, 2023 at top locations in 10 cities across Croatia, and the Zagreb tournament, the sixth in a row, marked the entry into the second half of this year’s edition of the Tour. It continues already this coming weekend, and the next host on July 21 and 22, 2023 will be the beautiful town in Krapina-Zagorje County – Zabok.
The PRO 3×3 Tour is organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. Sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Jana Sport, Bigraf, Hell and Lenovo. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub, and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency. The partners in the organization of the Zagreb tournament were the City of Zagreb, the Zagreb Sports Facility Management Institution and the City Office for Sports, Education and Youth of the City of Zagreb.
More detailed information about this year’s Tour and the tournament in Zagreb can be found on the official website and on the Tour’s social networks.
See you soon in Zabok!
Organizatori i zagrebački partneri PRO 3×3 Toura, serije međunarodnih spektakularnih turnira u košarci 3×3 („3 na 3 igrača“) u petak i subotu, 14. i 15. srpnja, dokazali su kako se košarka može igrati i na – vodi. Naime, zagrebački je turnir organiziran na iznimno atraktivnoj lokaciji: Ljetnoj pozornici na jezeru u parku Bundek.
U jedinstvenom ugođaju dva dana su, u seniorskoj i juniorskoj konkurenciji, snage odmjeravale snažne i kvalitetne ekipe iz čak sedam europskih zemalja – Grčke, Ukrajine, Mađarske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore i Hrvatske. U velikom finalu u glavnoj Senior Elite kategoriji, odigranom drugoga dana navečer (15. srpnja) na kraju je slavila momčad Podgorica Kodio iz Crne Gore koja je rezultatom 22:8 uvjerljivo svladala suparnike iz hrvatske ekipe Pharma Classic i osvojila vrijednu novčanu nagradu od 2.000 eura. Pobjednička momčad nastupila je u sastavu: Filip Dragojević, Petar Ivanović, Miloš Jovanović i Marko Raičević. Drugoplasiranoj ekipi pripao je iznos od 800 eura, a treće mjesto i nagradu od 400 eura u seniorskoj kategoriji zaslužila je ekipa Rising Stars Athens (Grčka). Prije toga u juniorskoj U-19 konkurenciji pobijedila je ekipa Ukraine U17 iz Ukrajine koja je u završnom dvoboju bila bolja od mađarske momčadi Hun 18.
Ponovno je, kao i na prethodnim turnirima, sadržajno bogat bio i popratni dio, posebice u zabavnom i edukativnom dijelu. Novitet zagrebačkog turnira bila je i posebna promocija nove mobilne aplikacije i interaktivnog plakata ovogodišnjeg Toura. U tu svrhu obje je večeri bio organiziran kviz znanja o 3×3 košarci, a najveći znalci osvojili su vrijedne nagrade sponzora i donatora. Osim toga, mnogi mlađi i stariji gledatelji tijekom oba dana turnira su se između utakmica okušali u šutiranju dvica i slobodnih bacanja te drugim igrama, a najbolji su također nagrađeni. Drugoga dana u poslijepodnevnim satima prvo je organiziran već tradicionalni Kids Day, u sklopu kojega su održane edukativne radionice o osnovama i pravilima 3×3 košarke, natjecanja u šutiranju dvica i slobodnih bacanja, međusobni ogledi na pravom 3×3 igralištu i drugo. Organizirana je i revijalna utakmica između ekipa Lenovo i Rimac automobili, čiji su članovi također pokazali veliko umijeće igranja 3×3 košarke. Uz brojne gledatelje iz više država svijeta, turnir su tijekom dva dana pratile i mnoge poznate osobe, kao što su nekadašnji hrvatski košarkaški reprezentativci Kruno Simon i Mario Kasun, bivša uspješna hrvatska skijašica Nika Fleiss, glumac Amar Bukvić i drugi.
„Već protekle, prve godine PRO 3×3 Toura organizirali smo turnir u Zagrebu i bio je jako uspješan. Ove smo godine otišli ne jedan, već tri koraka dalje i zato smo jako zadovoljni. Kao prvo, igralište je ovaj put bilo postavljeno na atraktivnoj i jedinstvenoj lokaciji Ljetne pozornice na vodi jezera Bundek. Mnogi su igrači, iskusni sudionici ovakvih turnira, istaknuli kako su prvi put imali prigodu igrati u takvom okruženju i oduševio ih je taj doživljaj. Nadalje, zagrebački je turnir okupio kvalitetne ekipe iz čak sedam europskih zemalja. I, također, okupljenima smo, pomoću kviza znanja, javno predstavili tehnološke novitete koje smo uveli ove godine – mobilnu aplikaciju i interaktivni plakat s AR-om, odnosno proširenom stvarnošću. Posebno zahvaljujem sponzorima, donatorima i partnerima u organizaciji zagrebačkog turnira, u prvom redu Gradu Zagrebu, Ustanovi Upravljanje sportskim objektima Zagreb i Gradskom uredu za sport, obrazovanje i mlade. Također, zahvaljujem publici koja se odazvala u velikom broju, a bilo ih je s različitih strana svijeta“, istaknuo je Ivan Paić, predsjednik Organizacijskog odbora PRO 3×3 Toura 2023.
Podsjetimo, druga sezona PRO 3×3 Toura do 12. kolovoza 2023. održava se na top lokacijama 10 gradova diljem Hrvatske, a zagrebački turnir, šesti po redu, označio je ulazak u drugu polovicu ovogodišnjeg izdanja Toura. On se nastavlja već predstojećeg vikenda, a sljedeći domaćin 21. i 22. srpnja 2023. bit će lijep grad u Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji – Zabok.
PRO 3×3 Tour organizira Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Sponzori su HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Jana Sport, Bigraf, Hell i Lenovo. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub, i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency. Partneri u organizaciji zagrebačkog turnira bili su Grad Zagreb, Ustanova Upravljanje sportskim objektima Zagreb i Gradski ured za sport, obrazovanje i mlade Grada Zagreba.
Detaljnije informacije o ovogodišnjem Touru i turniru u Zagrebu možete pronaći na službenoj internetskoj stranici te na društvenim mrežama Toura.
Vidimo se uskoro u Zaboku!