Protekloga vikenda (7. lipnja i 8. lipnja) organiziran je četvrti turnir u okviru ovogodišnjeg PRO 3×3 Toura, serije međunarodnih spektakularnih turnira u 3×3 košarci, i to, u partnerstvu s tvrtkom Bina Istra, na jedinstvenoj, neuobičajenoj i atraktivnoj lokaciji – na novom odmorištu Rebri na Istarskom ipsilonu!  


Ovaj je turnir bio i povijesni jer je PRO 3×3 Tour dobio svoju prvu pobjedničku ekipu u ženskoj kategoriji! Od ove sezone organizatori PRO 3×3 Toura otvorili su mogućnost prijava i ženskih ekipa za turnirsko natjecanje, a one su prvi put odmjerile snage upravo na odmorištu Rebri. Na kraju je prvi pobjednik jednog službenog PRO 3×3 turnira u ženskoj Open Women kategoriji postala hrvatska ekipa Melem koja je u neizvjesnom finalu, odigranom u subotu navečer (8. lipnja) svladala snažnu talijansku ekipu Campas Zoneplus s 11:10 i slavila. Treće mjesto osvojila je ženska ekipa Bonus.

Naravno, već uobičajeno, i na odmorištu Rebri organizirana su zanimljiva nadmetanja u 3×3 košarci u muškoj juniorskoj i seniorskoj konkurenciji koja su okupila snažne momčadi iz više europskih zemalja. U finalu u Senior Elite Men kategoriji, odigranom također u subotu navečer (8. lipnja), na kraju je ekipa 3×3 Aleksandrovac (Bosna i Hercegovina) uspjela svladati ekipu 3×3 Ljubljana – Jug (Slovenija) rezultatom 21:18. Time je, osim FIBA bodova, osvojila i novčanu nagradu od 2.000 eura i izravan plasman na veliki Završni turnir PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel u Šibeniku. Pobjednici su nastupili u sastavu: Stefan Milošević, Nedim Mustafica, Nikola Pilindavić i Đorđe Topolović. Drugoplasirana ekipa zaradila je iznos od 600 eura, a trećeplasiranoj momčadi Cedevita Olimpija (Slovenija) pripalo je 400 eura. U natjecanju juniorskih U-19 ekipa pak pobijedila je ekipa Široki koja je u završnoj utakmici pobijedila ekipu Pacovi omjerom 21:14. Treće mjesto osvojila je ekipa Pingvini.

Nagrade najboljim ekipama na turniru uručili su predstavnici lokalnih partnera i sponzora: David Marton, Mauricio Krizmanić i Ivica Šuran, predstavnici tvrtke Bina Istra te Sanjin Kristofić, predstavnik tvrtke INA d.d.


U subotu, 8. lipnja, organiziran je i već tradicionalni Kids Day s brojnim sadržajima i događanjima namijenjenima djeci. U okviru Kids Daya bilo je posebno veselo na odmorištu Rebri jer je, u suradnji s tvrtkom Tahograf, organiziran autobus pun djece koji je stigao iz Zagreba. U njemu su se, u pratnji svojih trenera i nekoliko roditelja, našli članovi podmlatka dvaju zagrebačkih klubova – Ženskog košarkaškog kluba Folka Borovje i Košarkaškog kluba Zapad. Osim što su igrali utakmice i sudjelovali u nagradnim igrama za gledatelje, također već redovitom sadržaju na PRO 3×3 Tour turnirima, male košarkašice i košarkaši doprinijeli su i već odličnoj navijačkoj atmosferi svojim navijanjem i skandiranjem s tribina. Uz to, bila je organizirana i edukacija o 3×3 košarci za igrače, suce, pomoćne suce, djecu i gledatelje.

„Mi imamo već mnogo znanja i iskustva te odličnu ekipu, ali ovo je definitivno, u organizacijskom i infrastrukturnom smislu, bio jedan od najzahtjevnijih turnira u sve tri dosadašnje sezone PRO 3×3 Toura. Naime, ovo je bio prvi turnir te vrste organiziran na odmorištu na autocesti i morali smo svemu pristupiti umnogome drukčije. No, u suradnji s izvrsnim partnerima iz tvrtke Bina Istra i ostalim suradnicima i sponzorima, još jednom smo pokazali kako smo na visini zadatka i da smo uvijek spremni pomicati granice. Stoga smo nakon turnira primali samo pohvale za organizaciju, kako od samih sudionika, odnosno igrača, tako i od brojnih posjetitelja koji su zbog turnira tijekom oba dana ciljano došli na ovo odmorište. Zahvaljujemo svima, osobito tvrtki Bina Istra“, istaknuo je Tomislav Prpić iz Udruge PRO 3×3, organizatora PRO 3×3 Toura.

          „U Bina Istri nastavljamo s našim programima usmjerenima na zdravlje i društveno odgovorno poslovanje. Nakon tradicionalnih godišnjih humanitarnih projekata usmjerenih prema zdravstvenim ustanovama, ovoga puta odlučili smo poticati zdrav duh kroz rekreativne aktivnosti. Košarka je sport koji je iznimno popularan u našim krajevima, stoga nas raduje veliki interes za ovaj street basket turnir. Na našem odmorištu Rebri na Istarskom ipsilonu, natjecale su se seniorske i juniorske ekipe, kao i dječji timovi, za najbolji rezultat, s glavnom nagradom od 2.000 eura. Organizirali smo već slične događaje, poput našeg rukometnog turnira ‘I love Handball’, na kojem je sudjelovalo preko 300 djece i zlatni olimpijci iz ’96. godine. Potaknuti uspjehom tih događaja, odlučili smo ponoviti ovo pozitivno iskustvo. U Bina Istri se radujemo uspjehu ovog turnira i nadamo se nastavku sličnih događaja na sport i rekreaciju“, istaknuo je Dario Silić, generalni direktor Bina Istre.


 Sada PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel s jadranske obale (Trogir) i otoka (Hvar) te iz Istre (Umag, odmorište Rebri), gdje su održana prva četiri turnira, seli u unutrašnjost Hrvatske. Naime, idući, peti ovosezonski turnir bit će organiziran u petak i subotu, 14. i 15. lipnja 2024., u Zaboku. Drugu godinu zaredom PRO 3×3 Tour dolazi u taj lijepi grad u središnjoj Hrvatskoj, a turnir će, kao i u srpnju 2023., biti odigran na Zivtovom trgu u centru grada. Inače, ovogodišnji PRO 3×3 Tour će se u razdoblju od 10. svibnja do 17. kolovoza 2024. održati na ukupno 10 atraktivnih lokacija, većinom u središtima gradova, diljem Hrvatske.

          Riječ je o jedinstvenom sportsko-turističko-edukativnom događaju koji ima i natjecateljski karakter. Osim financijske nagrade za najbolje, sve prijavljene ekipe iz Hrvatske i inozemstva prikupljaju bodove kako bi na taj način pokušale osigurati plasman na veliko finale u sklopu ovog Toura koje će biti organizirano 16. i 17. kolovoza 2024. u Šibeniku. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ponovno ima prestižan status FIBA Quest za mušku Elite kategoriju pa će pobjednik Završnog turnira 12. i 13. listopada 2024. putovati na FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters u Amsterdam (Nizozemska)!


PRO 3×3 Tour organizira Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Glavni sponzor je Opel, a sponzori su još HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran produkcija, Enlio, Tahograf i Antao 2002. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.

Uz tvrtku Bina Istra kao glavnog partnera, sponzor ovoga turnira na odmorištu Rebri bila je i tvrtka INA d.d. koja je osigurala čak 135 paketa besplatne hrane i pića za sve sudionike i organizatore.


Detaljnije informacije o ovogodišnjem Touru i turniru na odmorištu Rebri možete pronaći na službenoj internetskoj stranici i na društvenim mrežama Toura te na stranicama tvrtke Bina Istra:  


Vidimo se uskoro u Zaboku! 


Organizatori PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel  



Last weekend (June 7 and June 8) the fourth tournament was organized within this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour, a series of spectacular international tournaments in 3×3 basketball, in partnership with the company Bina Istra, at a unique, unusual and attractive location – at the new rest area Rebri on the Istrian epsilon motorway!


This tournament was also historic because the PRO 3×3 Tour got its first winning team in the women’s category! Starting this season, the organizers of the PRO 3×3 Tour have opened up the possibility of registering women’s teams for the tournament competition, and they tested their strength for the first time precisely at the Rebri rest area. In the end, the first winner of an official PRO 3×3 tournament in the women’s Open Women category was the Croatian team Melem, who defeated the strong Italian team Campas Zoneplus with 11:10 in an uncertain final, played on Saturday evening (June 8), and celebrated. The third place was won by the women’s team Bonus.


Of course, already usual, interesting competitions in 3×3 basketball in men’s junior and senior competitions were organized at the Rebri rest area, which brought together strong teams from several European countries. In the final in the Senior Elite Men category, also played on Saturday evening (June 8), the 3×3 Aleksandrovac team (Bosnia and Herzegovina) managed to defeat the 3×3 Ljubljana – Jug team (Slovenia) with a score of 21:18. With this, in addition to FIBA ​​points, she also won a cash prize of 2,000 euros and a direct entry to the big final tournament PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel in Šibenik. The winners were: Stefan Milošević, Nedim Mustafica, Nikola Pilindavić and Đorđe Topolović. The second-placed team earned the amount of 600 euros, and the third-placed team Cedevita Olimpija (Slovenia) received 400 euros. In the junior U-19 team competition, the Široki team won, which in the final game beat the Pacovi team with a score of 21:14. The third place was won by the Pengvini team.

Awards were presented to the best teams in the tournament by representatives of local partners and sponsors: David Marton, Mauricio Krizmanić and Ivica Šuran, representatives of Bina Istra and Sanjin Kristofić, representative of INA d.d.


On Saturday, June 8, the already traditional Kids Day was organized with numerous contents and events intended for children. As part of Kids Day, it was especially fun at the Rebri rest area because, in cooperation with the Tahograf company, a bus full of children was organized that arrived from Zagreb. In it, accompanied by their coaches and several parents, there were junior members of two Zagreb clubs – Women’s Basketball Club Folka Borovje and Basketball Club Zapad. In addition to playing matches and participating in prize games for spectators, which are already regular content at PRO 3×3 Tour tournaments, the little basketball players contributed to the already excellent fan atmosphere with their cheering and chanting from the stands. Besides that, education on 3×3 basketball was organized for players, referees, assistant referees, children and spectators.

“We already have a lot of knowledge and experience and a great team, but this was definitely, in terms of organization and infrastructure, one of the most demanding tournaments in all three seasons of the PRO 3×3 Tour so far. Namely, this was the first tournament of its kind organized at a rest stop on the highway, and we had to approach everything much differently. However, in cooperation with excellent partners from the company Bina Istra and other collaborators and sponsors, we once again showed that we are up to the task and that we are always ready to push the boundaries. Therefore, after the tournament, we only received praise for the organization, both from the participants themselves, i.e. the players, and from numerous visitors who specifically came to this rest area during both days because of the tournament. We thank everyone, especially the company Bina Istra”, said Tomislav Prpić from the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), organizer of the PRO 3×3 Tour.

  “In Bina Istra, we continue with our programs focused on health and socially responsible business. After the traditional annual humanitarian projects aimed at health institutions, this time we decided to encourage a healthy spirit through recreational activities. Basketball is a sport that is extremely popular in our region, so we are pleased with the great interest in this street basketball tournament. Senior and junior teams, as well as children’s teams, competed for the best result, with the main prize of 2,000 euros, at our Rebri rest area on the Istrian epsilon motorway. We have already organized similar events, such as our handball tournament ‘I love Handball’, which was attended by over 300 children and gold Olympians from ’96. years. Encouraged by the success of those events, we decided to repeat this positive experience. In Bina Istra, we are looking forward to the success of this tournament and hope for the continuation of similar events in sports and recreation”, said Dario Silić, general director of Bina Istra.


Now the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel from the Adriatic coast (Trogir) and the island (Hvar) and from Istria (Umag, Rebri rest area), where the first four tournaments were held, has moved to the interior part of Croatia. Namely, the next, fifth tournament of this season will be organized on Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, 2024, in Zabok. For the second year in a row, the PRO 3×3 Tour is coming to this beautiful city in central Croatia, and the tournament will, just like in July 2023, be played on Zivtovo Square in the center of the city. By the way, this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour will be held in the period from May 10 to August 17, 2024 at a total of 10 attractive locations, mostly in city centers, throughout Croatia.

It is a unique sports-tourist-educational event that also has a competitive character. In addition to the financial prize for the best, all registered teams from Croatia and abroad collect points in order to try to secure a place in the grand final as part of this Tour, which will be organized on August 16 and 17, 2024 in Šibenik. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel once again has the prestigious FIBA ​​Quest status for the men’s Elite category, so the winner of the Final Tournament on October 12 and 13, 2024 will travel to the FIBA ​​3×3 World Tour Masters in Amsterdam (Netherlands)!


The PRO 3×3 Tour is organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. The main sponsor is Opel, and other sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran production, Enlio, Tahograf and Antao 2002. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.

In addition to the Bina Istra company as the main partner, the sponsor of this tournament at the Rebri rest area was also the company INA d.d. which provided as many as 135 packages of free food and drinks for all participants and organizers.


You can find more detailed information about this year’s Tour and the tournament at the Rebri rest area on the official website and on the social networks of the Tour and on the website of the Bina Istra company:


See you soon in Zabok!


Organizers of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel







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