Borba s lošim vremenskim uvjetima, snažna konkurencija, izvrsne utakmice i slovensko finale u Senior Elite Men kategoriji obilježili su atraktivni međunarodni turnir u 3×3 košarci koji je 31. svibnja i 1. lipnja organiziran na Trgu slobode u središtu grada Umaga.
Lijepi grad Umag treću je godinu zaredom bio domaćin jednoga turnira u okviru PRO 3×3 Toura, serije međunarodnih turnira u 3×3 košarci, čija se aktualna treća sezona održava pod punim nazivom PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel. Organizatorima i njihovim suradnicima i partnerima vrijeme prve večeri (petak, 31. svibnja) nikako nije išlo na ruku. „Turnir u Umagu započeo je u petak navečer, no već nakon dvadesetak sekundi prve utakmice krenula je jaka kiša… S obzirom na vremensku prognozu za subotu, 1. lipnja, odlučili smo cijeli preostali program prebaciti za taj dan, umjesto da se prebacimo u sportsku dvoranu ‘Juraj Radovčić’ u sklopu kompleksa Stella Maris koju nam je Grad Umag u suradnji s Ustanovom za sport grada Umaga velikodušno osigurao znajući za mogućnost kiše“, objasnio je Tomislav Prpić iz Udruge PRO 3×3, glavnog organizatora PRO 3×3 Toura 2024. driven by Opel.
Ovaj se potez pokazao odličnim jer je u subotu, 1. lipnja, čitavog dana vladalo lijepo i suho vrijeme pa je pred velikim brojem gledatelja realiziran cjelokupan program predviđen za umaški turnir, s naglaskom na zanimljiva nadmetanja u 3×3 košarci u juniorskoj i seniorskoj konkurenciji. Nakon izlučnih utakmica sjajnih momčadi, u finalu Senior Elite Men kategorije našle su se dvije odlične slovenske ekipe. U iznimno napetoj finalnoj utakmici 3×3 Ljubljana Vič uspjela je tijesnim rezultatom 21:19 pobijediti ekipu 3×3 Ljubljana – Jug. Time su, osim FIBA bodova i novčane nagrade od 2.000 eura zaradili posebnu nagradu – plasman na međunarodni turnir u Madrid (održava se od 7. do 9. lipnja 2024.) koji ima prestižan status FIBA 3×3 Quest i pobjednika vodi izravno na World Tour u Abu Dhabi! Pobjednici su nastupili u sastavu: Siniša Bilić, Simon Finzgar, Luka Kureš i Marko Mulalić. Drugoplasiranoj ekipi pripao je iznos od 600 eura, a trećeplasirana momčad 3×3 Srebrenik (Bosna i Hercegovina) dobila je 400 eura. U natjecanju juniorskih U-19 ekipa pak pobijedila je ekipa Lopovi koja je u završnoj utakmici svladala ekipu Pingvini također tijesnim rezultatom 10:9. Treće mjesto osvojila je ekipa Loptice.
U subotu, 1. lipnja, organiziran je i Kids Day s brojnim sadržajima i događanjima namijenjenima djeci koji je polučio odaziv mnogih mališana, posebice članova podmlatka Košarkaškog kluba Umag. Bila je organizirana i edukacija o 3×3 košarci za igrače, suce, pomoćne suce, djecu i gledatelje. Posebna je zanimljivost bila revijalna utakmica u kojoj su veterani Umaga, u čijem je sastavu bio i 71-godišnji Karlo Harazim, najstariji igrač koji je ikada nastupio na PRO 3×3 Touru, pobijedili momčad organizatora turnira.
„Treba svakako istaknuti velik interes djece za 3×3 košarkom, novim, atraktivnim i dinamičnim olimpijskim sportom. Čitavu subotu vrebali su priliku da uđu na teren i šutiraju na koš, a od 17 do 19 sati su je i obilno iskoristili. Uz brojne nagradne igre za djecu i gledatelje zabave nije nedostajalo, a ispunjene tribine i gledalište oko terena pokazuju da je 3×3 sve prepoznatljiviji i privlačniji velikom broju ljudi. Natjecateljski dio oduševio je kvalitetnom košarkom od prve utakmice pa sve do finala. Zahvaljujem domaćinima iz Umaga na ponovno sjajnom gostoprimstvu“, naglasio je Tomislav Prpić.
Četvrta postaja PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ponovno se nalazi u Istri, a idući turnir bit će organiziran u petak i subotu, 7. i 8. lipnja 2024., na neuobičajenoj i jedinstvenoj lokaciji – novom odmorištu Rebri na Istarskom ipsilonu. Navedena je lokacija bila iznenađenje ovogodišnjeg PRO 3×3 Toura, a turnir će biti organiziran u partnerstvu s tvrtkom Bina-Istra. Inače, ovogodišnji PRO 3×3 Tour će se u razdoblju od 10. svibnja do 17. kolovoza 2024. održati na ukupno 10 atraktivnih lokacija, većinom u središtima gradova, diljem Hrvatske.
Riječ je o jedinstvenom sportsko-turističko-edukativnom događaju koji ima i natjecateljski karakter. Osim financijske nagrade za najbolje, sve prijavljene ekipe iz Hrvatske i inozemstva prikupljaju bodove kako bi na taj način pokušale osigurati plasman na veliko finale u sklopu ovog Toura koje će biti organizirano 16. i 17. kolovoza 2024. u Šibeniku. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ponovno ima prestižan status FIBA Quest za mušku Elite kategoriju pa će pobjednik Završnog turnira 12. i 13. listopada 2024. putovati na FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters u Amsterdam (Nizozemska)!
PRO 3×3 Tour organizira Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Glavni sponzor je Opel, a sponzori su još HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran produkcija, Enlio, Tahograf i Antao 2002. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency. Partneri i sponzori turnira u Umagu su Grad Umag i Turistička zajednica grada Umaga. Lokalni medijski partner je Radio Eurostar Umag.
Detaljnije informacije o ovogodišnjem Touru i turniru u Umagu možete pronaći na službenoj internetskoj stranici i na društvenim mrežama Toura te na stranicama Turističke zajednice grada Umaga
Vidimo se uskoro na lokaciji Bina Istra – odmorište Rebri!
Organizatori PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel
Fight with bad weather conditions, strong competition, excellent matches and the Slovenian final in the Senior Elite Men category marked the attractive international tournament in 3×3 basketball, which was organized on May 31 and June 1 at Trg slobode in the center of the city of Umag.
For the third year in a row, the beautiful city of Umag hosted a tournament within the PRO 3×3 Tour, a series of international tournaments in 3×3 basketball, the current third season of which is being held under the full name PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel. The timing of the first evening (Friday, May 31) did not go well with the organizers and their associates and partners. “The tournament in Umag started on Friday evening, but after about twenty seconds of the first match it started to rain heavily… Given the weather forecast for Saturday, June 1, we decided to move the entire remaining program to that day, instead of moving to the sports the ‘Juraj Radovčić’ hall within the Stella Maris complex, which the City of Umag, in cooperation with the Umag Sports Institute, generously provided for us, knowing of the possibility of rain”, explained Tomislav Prpić from the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), the main organizer of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel .
This move turned out to be excellent because on Saturday, June 1, the weather was nice and dry all day long, so the entire program planned for the Umag tournament was realized in front of a large number of spectators, with an emphasis on interesting competitions in 3×3 basketball in junior and senior competition. After the elimination matches of great teams, two great Slovenian teams met in the final of the Senior Elite Men category. In the extremely tense final match 3×3 Ljubljana Vič managed to beat the team 3×3 Ljubljana – Jug with a narrow score of 21:19. With this, in addition to FIBA points and a cash prize of 2,000 euros, they earned a special prize – a place in the international tournament in Madrid (held from June 7 to 9, 2024), which has the prestigious FIBA 3×3 Quest status and leads the winner directly to the World Tour in Abu Dhabi! The winners were: Siniša Bilić, Simon Finzgar, Luka Kureš and Marko Mulalić. The second-placed team received 600 euros, and the third-placed team 3×3 Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) received 400 euros. In the junior U-19 team competition, the Lopovi team won, which defeated the Pingvini team in the final match, also by a narrow score of 10:9. The third place was won by the Loptica team.
On Saturday, June 1, Kids Day was organized with numerous contents and events intended for children, which received the response of many children, especially the junior members of the Umag Basketball Club. Education about 3×3 basketball was also organized for players, referees, assistant referees, children and spectators. A special highlight was the exhibition match in which the veterans of Umag, including 71-year-old Karlo Harazim, the oldest player who ever appeared on the PRO 3×3 Tour, defeated the team of the tournament organizers.
“We should certainly point out the great interest of children in 3×3 basketball, a new, attractive and dynamic Olympic sport. All Saturday, they were looking for an opportunity to enter the court and shoot the basket, and from 17:00 to 19:00 they took advantage of it. With numerous prize games for children and spectators, there was no shortage of entertainment, and the full stands and auditorium around the field show that 3×3 is becoming more and more recognizable and attractive to a large number of people. The competitive part delighted with quality basketball from the first game all the way to the final. I would like to thank the hosts from Umag for their excellent hospitality again”, emphasized Tomislav Prpić.
The fourth stop of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel is once again in Istria, and the next tournament will be organized on June 7 and 8, 2024, at an unusual and unique location – the new Rebri rest area on the motorway called Istrian Epsilon. The mentioned location was the surprise of this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour, and the tournament will be organized in partnership with the Bina-Istra company. By the way, this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour will be held in the period from May 10 to August 17, 2024 at a total of 10 attractive locations, mostly in city centers, throughout Croatia.
It is a unique sports-tourist-educational event that also has a competitive character. In addition to the financial prize for the best, all registered teams from Croatia and abroad collect points in order to try to secure a place in the grand final as part of this Tour, which will be organized on August 16 and 17, 2024 in Šibenik. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel once again has the prestigious FIBA Quest status for the Elite Men category, so the winner of the Final Tournament on October 12 and 13, 2024 will travel to the FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters in Amsterdam (Netherlands)!
The PRO 3×3 Tour is organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. The main sponsor is Opel, and other sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran production, Enlio, Tahograf and Antao 2002. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency. The partners and sponsors of the tournament in Umag are the City of Umag and the Tourist Board of the City of Umag. The local media partner is Radio Eurostar Umag.
More detailed information about this year’s Tour and the tournament in Umag can be found on the official website and on the social networks of the Tour and on the pages of the Tourist Board of the City of Umag
See you soon at the Bina Istra location – Rebri rest area!
Organizers PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel