Unatoč tome što su se glavnoga, drugog dana turnira organizatori i domaćini morali suočiti s iznimno nepovoljnim vremenskim uvjetima te povremenim nestancima električne energije, protekloga vikenda (u petak i subotu, 21. i 22. lipnja) u Vinkovcima je uspješno realiziran već šesti turnir u okviru PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel, odnosno treće sezone serije međunarodnih spektakularnih turnira u 3×3 košarci.


Najstariji europski grad, smješten u samom srcu Slavonije, u sve je tri dosadašnje sezone izvrsno ugostio PRO 3×3 Tour. Atraktivna lokacija i ovaj put bila je jednaka kao i u protekle dvije godine – parking ispred Hotela Slavonija u samom središtu grada.

Prve večeri (u petak, 21. lipnja), kako je bilo i planirano, odigrane su sve utakmice po skupinama u muškoj seniorskoj kategoriji, nazvanoj Senior Elite Men, između kojih su, već uobičajeno, organizirane zabavne nagradne igre za brojne okupljene gledatelje. Tada su, među ostalima, vinkovački PRO 3×3 turnir posjetili i predstavnici Grada Vinkovaca, na čelu s gradonačelnikom Ivanom Bosančićem i zamjenikom gradonačelnika Josipom Romićem.

Drugi je dan (subota, 22. lipnja) započeo u ranim poslijepodnevnim satima zanimljivim nadmetanjima u muškoj juniorskoj kategoriji Junior U-19 te ženskoj kategoriji Open Women. Organiziran je i već tradicionalni Kids Day s brojnim sadržajima i događanjima namijenjenima djeci, koji je okupio mnoge mališane iz Vinkovaca i okolice. Oni su se također, podijeljeni u ekipe, ogledali u 3×3 utakmicama, a sudjelovali su i u nagradnim igrama, u kojima su dobili sponzorske poklone. Uz to, bila je organizirana i edukacija o 3×3 košarci za igrače, suce, pomoćne suce, djecu i gledatelje.

Međutim, nakon toga su jak vjetar i prolomi oblaka u čak tri navrata prekidali predviđeni program na otvorenom pa su organizatori, u dogovoru s Gradom Vinkovcima, odlučili večernji dio programa prebaciti pod krov, u Sportsku dvoranu Lenije. Ta promjena, uzrokovana višom silom, nije nimalo oduzela na kvaliteti, zanimljivosti i napetosti turnira koji je okupio snažne ekipe iz nekoliko europskih zemalja. I veći dio publike prebacio se u dvoranu pa su sve utakmice u završnici – od četvrtfinala do finalnih ogleda – odigrane u odličnoj, navijačkoj atmosferi, svojstvenoj za Vinkovce. 

Budući da su ove godine organizatori PRO 3×3 Toura otvorili mogućnost prijava i ženskih ekipa za turnirsko natjecanje, i u Vinkovcima su one odmjerile snage. Na kraju je slavila hrvatska ekipa Melem koja je u neizvjesnom finalu pobijedila ekipu Mo-Sa (Bosna i Hercegovina) rezultatom 16:13 i slavila. Treće mjesto osvojila je ženska ekipa Đakovo. Valja podsjetiti da je Melem nedavno osvojio i povijesni prvi PRO 3×3 turnir u ženskoj kategoriji, odigran na odmorištu Rebri na Istarskom ipsilonu. U Vinkovcima su pobjednice nastupile u sastavu: Gabriela Grizelj, Ivana Mamić, Marija Soldo i Hana Vranić. 

U natjecanju muških juniorskih U-19 ekipa pak u iznimno napetoj finalnoj utakmici ekipa 3×3 Laćarak iz Sremske Mitrovice (Srbija) svladala je domaću momčad 3×3 Vinkovci tijesnim omjerom 20:19. Treće mjesto osvojila je ekipa Limarija Vasilić (Bosna i Hercegovina). Za pobjedničku momčad nastupili su: Vladimir Čajka, Nikola Gligić, Mihajlo Rašić i Milan Tanović. 

Posljednja utakmica vinkovačkog PRO 3×3 turnira bilo je finale u Senior Elite Men kategoriji, u kojem je slavila momčad Aluplastik Živinice (Bosna i Hercegovina) rezultatom 21:13 protiv ekipe Čuka Oliva (Srbija). S obzirom da je turnir u Vinkovcima imao prestižan status FIBA 3×3 Lite Quest, time je ekipa Aluplastik Živinice, osim FIBA bodova i novčane nagrade od 2.000 eura, ostvarila i izravan plasman na ugledan inozemni turnir FIBA 3×3 Challenger koji će se 27. i 28. srpnja 2024. održati u španjolskom gradu Lanzaroteu! Pobjednici su nastupili u sastavu: Zlatko Golijanin, Meris Mazalović, Nemanja Žigon i Ado Korkutović. Drugoplasirana ekipa Čuka Oliva zaradila je iznos od 600 eura, trećeplasiranoj momčadi Pirot (Srbija) pripalo je 400 eura, a ekipe koje su zauzele od 4. do 6. mjesta dobile su po 200 eura.

Osvajači svih triju kategorija u Vinkovcima ujedno su osigurali svoje mjesto na velikom Završnom turniru PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel koji će 16. i 17. kolovoza 2024. biti odigran u Šibeniku.


„Prije svega moram čestitati organizatorima na još jednom sjajno pripremljenom turniru, a igračima i igračicama na odličnoj igri i spektakularnim potezima. Zbog njih je 3×3 košarka sve popularnija i sve brže raste kao sport. Ljudi vole dinamiku, brzinu i stalnu neizvjesnost, a to je ono što im 3×3 nudi u svakoj utakmici. Prva večer turnira u Vinkovcima ispunila je sva očekivanja, uživali smo u svemu prikazanome, tribine su bile popunjene i trebala je to biti vrhunska uvertira u veliku finalnu večer. Međutim, vremenske prilike nam u subotu nisu bile naklonjene i izostalo je ono po čemu su Vinkovci najpoznatiji kada je ovaj turnir u pitanju, pravoj sportskoj atmosferi uz glasno navijanje i nesvakidašnju podršku s punih tribina, naročito domaćim dečkima“, istaknuo je Josip Romić, zamjenik gradonačelnika Grada Vinkovaca, koji je oba dana praktički cijelo vrijeme bio nazočan turniru te je doslovce bio „desna ruka“ organizatorima i sudionicima.

„Drago mi je što smo ipak uspjeli na vrijeme reagirati i osigurati dvoranu kako bi natjecanje priveli kraju. Bilo je zahtjevno sve seliti u Sportsku dvoranu Lenije, ali i to je ekipa sjajno odradila i sve je prošlo u najboljem redu. Veselimo se sljedećoj godini i novoj vinkovačkoj 3×3 avanturi koja sad već postaje tradicija u našem gradu. Organizacijom ovakvog vrhunskog događaja nastojimo promovirati košarku u Slavoniji, privući što više djece i mladih da se bave sportom, druže se i sklapaju prijateljstva, a dodatni je bonus i turistički aspekt cijele priče odnosno sinergija najstarijeg europskog grada i novog brzorastućeg sporta“, dodao je Josip Romić koji je, zajedno s predstavnicima organizatora, na kraju druge večeri uručio nagrade najboljima u sve tri kategorije.

U ime Udruge PRO 3×3 kao glavnog organizatora PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel zahvalu lokalnim partnerima i sponzorima uputio je Tomislav Prpić. „U Vinkovcima smo uvijek izvrsno ugošćeni. Tu svake godine bude ponajbolja posjećenost i atmosfera, a upravo u Vinkovcima dogodili su se neki od najljepših trenutaka u prve tri sezone PRO 3×3 Toura koje ćemo dugo pamtiti. Šteta što je druge večeri vrijeme pokvarilo neke izvrsne ideje i inicijative organizatora i lokalne publike, ali one će biti provedene iduće godine. Vinkovčani su, zajedno s nama, dokazali da i, unatoč lošem vremenu, možemo realizirati uspješan turnir koji će se još dugo prepričavati jer su i utakmice i ugođaj bili odlični“, naglasio je Tomislav Prpić. Inače, turnir je pratilo više poznatih lica, a među njima i poseban gost, rođeni Vinkovčanin Mario Kasun, nekadašnji poznati NBA igrač i hrvatski košarkaški reprezentativac. 


Održavanjem vinkovačkog turnira PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ušao je u svoju drugu polovicu, a nakon Vinkovaca i dalje ostaje u Slavoniji. Naime, idući, sedmi ovosezonski turnir bit će organiziran u petak i subotu, 5. i 6. srpnja 2024., u Donjem Miholjcu. PRO 3×3 Tour prvi put dolazi u ovaj lijepi slavonski grad, a turnir će biti odigran na odličnoj lokaciji – ispred nastavno-sportske dvorane OŠ „August Harambašić“ u Donjem Miholjcu. Inače, ovogodišnji PRO 3×3 Tour će se u razdoblju od 10. svibnja do 17. kolovoza 2024. održati na ukupno 10 atraktivnih lokacija, većinom u središtima gradova, diljem Hrvatske.


          Riječ je o jedinstvenom sportsko-turističko-edukativnom događaju koji ima i natjecateljski karakter. Osim financijske nagrade za najbolje, sve prijavljene ekipe iz Hrvatske i inozemstva prikupljaju bodove kako bi na taj način pokušale osigurati plasman na veliko finale u sklopu ovog Toura koje će biti organizirano 16. i 17. kolovoza 2024. u Šibeniku. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ponovno ima prestižan status FIBA Quest za mušku Elite kategoriju pa će pobjednik Završnog turnira 12. i 13. listopada 2024. putovati na FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters u Amsterdam (Nizozemska)!


PRO 3×3 Tour organizira Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Glavni sponzor je Opel, a sponzori su još HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran produkcija, Enlio, Tahograf i Antao 2002. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.

Partneri i sponzori turnira u Vinkovcima su Grad Vinkovci, Vukovarsko-srijemska županija, Turistička zajednica Vukovarsko-srijemske županije, Zajednica športskih udruga grada Vinkovaca, Karlovačko, Decathlon, Nevkoš i Auric Forest. Lokalni medijski partneri su Plava vinkovačka televizija i 


Detaljnije informacije o ovogodišnjem Touru i turniru u Vinkovcima možete pronaći na službenoj internetskoj stranici te na društvenim mrežama Toura.


Vidimo se uskoro u Donjem Miholjcu! 


Organizatori PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel  

Despite the fact that on the main, second day of the tournament, the organizers and hosts had to deal with extremely unfavorable weather conditions and occasional power outages, last weekend (Friday and Saturday, June 21 and 22) the sixth tournament was successfully held in Vinkovci as part of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel, i.e. the third season of the series of international spectacular tournaments in 3×3 basketball.


The oldest European city, located in the heart of Slavonia, has excellently hosted the PRO 3×3 Tour in all three seasons so far. The attractive location this time was the same as in the past two years – parking in front of Hotel Slavonija in the very center of the city.

On the first evening (Friday, June 21), as planned, all group matches were played in the men’s senior category, called Senior Elite Men, between which, as usual, entertaining prize games were organized for the many gathered spectators. Then, among others, the Vinkovci PRO 3×3 tournament was visited by the representatives of the City of Vinkovci, led by the mayor Ivan Bosančić and the deputy mayor Josip Romić.

The second day (Saturday, June 22) started in the early afternoon with interesting competitions in the men’s junior category Junior U-19 and the women’s category Open Women. The already traditional Kids Day was organized with numerous contents and events intended for children, which brought together many little ones from Vinkovci and the surrounding area. They also, divided into teams, competed in 3×3 matches, and participated in prize games, in which they received sponsorship gifts. In addition, education about 3×3 basketball was organized for players, referees, assistant referees, children and spectators.

However, after that, strong wind and cloud breaks interrupted the planned outdoor program on three occasions, so the organizers, in agreement with the City of Vinkovci, decided to move the evening part of the program under the roof, in the Lenije Sports Hall. This change, caused by force majeure, did not in the least detract from the quality, interest and tension of the tournament, which brought together strong teams from several European countries. And most of the audience moved to the hall, so all the matches in the finals – from the quarter-finals to the finals – were played in an excellent fan atmosphere, characteristic of Vinkovci.


Since this year the organizers of the PRO 3×3 Tour opened up the possibility of registering women’s teams for the tournament competition, they also competed in Vinkovci. In the end, the Croatian team Melem celebrated, which in an uncertain final beat the team Mo-Sa (Bosnia and Herzegovina) with a score of 16:13 and celebrated. The third place was won by the women’s team Đakovo. It is worth reminding that Melem recently won the historic first PRO 3×3 tournament in the women’s category, played at the Rebri rest area on the Istrian upsilon. The winners in Vinkovci were: Gabriela Grizelj, Ivana Mamić, Marija Soldo and Hana Vranić.

In the men’s junior U-19 team competition, the 3×3 Laćarak team from Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia) defeated the home team 3×3 Vinkovci in an extremely tense final match with a narrow score of 20:19. Third place was won by team Limarija Vasilić (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Vladimir Čajka, Nikola Gligić, Mihajlo Rašić and Milan Tanović performed for the winning team.

The last match of the PRO 3×3 tournament in Vinkovci was the final in the Senior Elite Men category, in which the Aluplastik Živinice team (Bosnia and Herzegovina) won with a score of 21:13 against the Čuka Oliva team (Serbia). Given that the tournament in Vinkovci had the prestigious status of FIBA ​​3×3 Lite Quest, the Aluplastik Živinice team, in addition to FIBA ​​points and a monetary prize of 2,000 euros, also achieved a direct placement in the prestigious foreign tournament FIBA ​​3×3 Challenger, which will be held on the 27th and 28th. July 2024 to be held in the Spanish city of Lanzarote! The winners were: Zlatko Golijanin, Meris Mazalović, Nemanja Žigon and Ado Korkutović. The second-placed team Čuka Oliva earned 600 euros, the third-placed team Pirot (Serbia) received 400 euros, and the teams that took 4th to 6th place received 200 euros each.

The winners of all three categories in Vinkovci secured their place at the big final tournament PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel, which will be played in Šibenik on August 16 and 17, 2024.

“First of all, I must congratulate the organizers for another well-prepared tournament, and the players for their excellent play and spectacular moves. Because of them, 3×3 basketball is more and more popular and growing faster as a sport. People love dynamics, speed and constant suspense, and that’s what 3×3 offers them in every game. The first evening of the tournament in Vinkovci fulfilled all expectations, we enjoyed everything shown, the stands were full and it should have been a superb prelude to the grand finale evening. However, the weather conditions were not in our favor on Saturday, and what the Vinkovci are best known for when it comes to this tournament was missing, the real sports atmosphere with loud cheering and extraordinary support from the full stands, especially the local boys,” said Josip Romić, deputy the mayor of Vinkovci, who was present at the tournament practically the whole time on both days and was literally the “right hand” of the organizers and participants.

“I’m glad that we still managed to react in time and secure the hall in order to bring the competition to an end. It was demanding to move everything to the Lenije Sports Hall, but the team also did a great job and everything went smoothly. We are looking forward to next year and the new Vinkovac 3×3 adventure, which is already becoming a tradition in our town. By organizing such a top event, we are trying to promote basketball in Slavonia, to attract as many children and young people as possible to play sports, socialize and make friends, and the tourism aspect of the whole story is an additional bonus, i.e. the synergy of the oldest European city and a new fast-growing sport”, added Josip Romićm who, together with the representatives of the organizers, presented awards to the best in all three categories at the end of the second evening.

Tomislav Prpić thanked the local partners and sponsors on behalf of the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3) as the main organizer of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel. “We are always well received in Vinkovci. Every year there is the best attendance and atmosphere, and it was in Vinkovci that some of the most beautiful moments in the first three seasons of the PRO 3×3 Tour took place that we will remember for a long time. It’s a pity that on the second evening the weather spoiled some excellent ideas and initiatives of the organizers and the local audience, but they will be implemented next year. The people of Vinkovci, together with us, proved that, despite the bad weather, we can realize a successful tournament that will be talked about for a long time because both the matches and the atmosphere were excellent”, emphasized Tomislav Prpić. By the way, the tournament was attended by several famous faces, including a special guest, Mario Kasun, a native of Vinkovci, a former famous NBA player and Croatian national basketball team member.

By holding tournament in Vinkovci, the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel entered its second half, and after Vinkovci, it still remains in Slavonia. Namely, the next, seventh tournament of this season will be organized on Friday and Saturday, July 5 and 6, 2024, in Donji Miholjac. The PRO 3×3 Tour is coming to this beautiful Slavonian town for the first time, and the tournament will be played in a great location – in front of the teaching and sports hall of the “August Harambašić” elementary school in Donji Miholjac. By the way, this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour will be held in the period from May 10 to August 17, 2024 at a total of 10 attractive locations, mostly in city centers, throughout Croatia.

It is a unique sports-tourist-educational event that also has a competitive character. In addition to the financial prize for the best, all registered teams from Croatia and abroad collect points in order to try to secure a place in the grand final as part of this Tour, which will be organized on August 16 and 17, 2024 in Šibenik. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel once again has the prestigious FIBA ​​Quest status for the men’s Elite category, so the winner of the Final Tournament on October 12 and 13, 2024 will travel to the FIBA ​​3×3 World Tour Masters in Amsterdam (Netherlands)!

The PRO 3×3 Tour is organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. The main sponsor is Opel, and other sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran production, Enlio, Tahograf and Antao 2002. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.

The partners and sponsors of the tournament in Vinkovci are the City of Vinkovci, the Vukovar-Srijem County, the Tourist Board of the Vukovar-Srijem County, the Association of Sports Associations of the City of Vinkovci, Karlovačko, Decathlon, Nevkoš and Auric Forest. Local media partners are Plava Vinkovacka Television and

More detailed information about this year’s Tour and the tournament in Vinkovci can be found on the official website and on the Tour’s social networks.

See you soon in Donji Miholjac!


Organizers of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel






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