At the Final Tournament of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2023, a series of international spectacular tournaments in 3×3 basketball (“3 on 3 players”), which was held last weekend, August 11 and 12, in Šibenik, the title of winner in the main Elite category was taken by the excellent Aluplastik Živinice team (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Since the PRO 3×3 Tour 2023 once again has the prestigious status of FIBA Quest, the winning team also deserves to participate in the World Tour, which will be organized in the Hungarian city of Debrecen on August 26 and 27, 2023, and will feature the best teams from all the ends of the world.
As a reminder, the second season of the PRO 3×3 Tour was realized over the course of almost three months at attractive locations in a total of ten Croatian cities. The Tour started with the first elimination tournament on May 20 and 21 in Hvar, followed by eight more two-day tournaments that were successfully held in Trogir, Umag, Vinkovci, Osijek, Zagreb, Zabok, Lipik and Imotski. At them, the top international 3×3 teams, by winning individual stations of the PRO 3×3 Tour and collecting a sufficient number of FIBA points, secured their place at the grand final tournament in Šibenik. On the 3×3 playground set up in the very center of Šibenik, on the city’s main Square Poljana, a total of twenty high-quality and strong teams competed in two categories: Senior Elite and junior U-19 competition.
Competitions on both nights were very exciting, interesting and uncertain. This especially applies to the finals that were played on Saturday night (August 12) in both categories. In the end, in the tense final match in the Senior Elite competition, the Aluplastik Živinice team, which is made up of players from the wider list of the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team in 3×3 basketball, defeated the excellent 3×3 Ljubljana Jug team from Slovenia with a score of 21:18. With this, the winners, in addition to a trip to Debrecen and new FIBA points, also earned a big cup and a cash prize of 2,000 euros. For Aluplastik Živinice played: Zlatko Golijanin, Meris Mazalović, Denis Meštrić and Nemanja Žigon. In the grand final, Nemanja Žigon replaced the recently injured Ada Korkutović, otherwise the captain of this team, and because of his excellent games, he was chosen as the MVP (most useful player) of the Senior Elite tournament. The second-placed finalists from Slovenia earned a cash prize in the amount of 800 euros. Third place and a prize of 400 euros in the senior competition was won by the Croatian team Sportko. Everything was bursting with excitement in the junior U-19 category, where in the final match, in a very effective way – by hitting the “double” with the sound of the siren – the Nitui team narrowly defeated the Ukraine U17 team from Ukraine with a narrow score of 14:13. The scorer of that winning double, Ivan Pavković, was also chosen as MVP of the junior part of the tournament.
The Sibenik Grand Final was spectacular and special in many ways. This time, the superb production of the event was complemented by technological content that further enhanced the overall excellent experience of the entire tournament. For example, there were additional cameras and an additional large screen on which a large audience could follow the matches while watching live and watch the most interesting or controversial moments again in replays. As in the previous nine selected tournaments, all matches were broadcast live with commentary by Sportklub, and live broadcasts could be watched on the official website and official Facebook page, as well as on the YouTube channel of the PRO 3×3 Tour. It should be noted that the PRO 3×3 Tour in the Sibenik Grand Final was the first in Croatia to introduce the use of video technology in playing and broadcasting 3×3 basketball matches. All matches were covered simultaneously using eight cameras which, at the request of the teams or the referees themselves, were used to check individual decisions of the referees. Each team had the right to one so-called challenge, that is, request a review of one referee’s decision per match. Actors of the Final Tournament praised this decision of the organizers, judging that it significantly contributed to reducing the number of disputed situations to a minimum.
In addition to extremely high-quality 3×3 basketball matches, during both days of the tournament, the gathered could also enjoy the accompanying entertainment and educational content, with an emphasis on prize games of shooting “doubles” and free throws. On the second day (Saturday, August 12) in the afternoon, the traditional Kids Day was organized, as part of which educational workshops were held on the basics and rules of 3×3 basketball, as well as competitions in shooting “doubles” and free throws. Kids Day aroused great interest among the youngest, so many girls and boys participated in it. The promotion of a special mobile application and interactive poster of this year’s Tour was also held in Šibenik, and the organizers awarded the best photos of the final matches in the junior and senior categories and short videos of the best basketball tricks that were recorded and sent to them by the spectators.
Ivan Paić, president of the Organizing Committee of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2023, is very satisfied with this year’s edition of the Tour. “Last year’s first season of the PRO 3×3 Tour was great, but I dare to say that this year we raised the whole story to an even higher level in every respect, which is proven by the comments and praises we received and continue to receive from different quarters. After nine qualifying tournaments in nine Croatian cities, this grand final, or Final Tournament in Šibenik, was literally the icing on the cake. Everything was great – both the cooperation with local partners and sponsors and the really great response and excellent reactions of the audience and, especially, the quality of the matches played in both the senior and junior competitions. As I already said at the very end of the final – we not only had the privilege of organizing and promoting, but also watching live such high-quality, tense and uncertain matches in which one or two balls were literally decided. I would like to thank the City of Šibenik, the Tourist Board of the City of Šibenik, the media institutions and others who helped us realize a memorable grand final. Of course, at the end of this year’s Tour, I once again thank all our sponsors, donors and partners, without whom all this would not be possible. But, first of all, I would like to congratulate the great PRO 3×3 Tour team, which in a commendable way presented this huge organization, which, together with the preparations, lasted more than half a year. See you in the spring and summer of 2024, in the third season of the PRO 3×3 Tour, for which we already have new ideas,” Ivan Paić pointed out.
The PRO 3×3 Tour 2023 was organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. Sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Jana Sport, Bigraf, Hell and Lenovo. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub, Sportnet.hr and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.
More detailed information about this year’s Tour and the grand final in Šibenik can be found on the official website https://pro3x3.hr/ and on the Tour’s social networks.
See you in 2024, in the third season of the PRO 3×3 Tour!
Na Završnom turniru PRO 3×3 Toura 2023., serije međunarodnih spektakularnih turnira u 3×3 košarci („3 na 3 igrača“), koji je protekloga vikenda, 11. i 12. kolovoza, održan u Šibeniku, titulu pobjednika u glavnoj Elite kategoriji odnijela je izvrsna ekipa Aluplastik Živinice (Bosna i Hercegovina). Budući da PRO 3×3 Tour 2023. ponovno ima prestižan status FIBA Quest, time je pobjednička momčad ujedno zaslužila i sudjelovanje na World Touru koji će se 26. i 27. kolovoza 2023. biti organiziran u mađarskom gradu Debrecenu, a nastupit će ponajbolje ekipe iz svih krajeva svijeta.
Podsjetimo, druga sezona PRO 3×3 Toura realizirana je tijekom gotovo tri mjeseca na atraktivnim lokacijama ukupno deset hrvatskih gradova. Tour je započeo prvim izlučnim turnirom 20. i 21. svibnja u Hvaru, a potom je uslijedilo još osam dvodnevnih turnira koji su redom uspješno realizirani u Trogiru, Umagu, Vinkovcima, Osijeku, Zagrebu, Zaboku, Lipiku i Imotskom. Na njima su vrhunske međunarodne 3×3 ekipe, osvajanjem pojedinih postaja PRO 3×3 Toura i prikupljanjem dovoljnog broja FIBA bodova, osigurale svojem mjesto na velikom Završnom turniru u Šibeniku. Na 3×3 igralištu postavljenom u samom središtu Šibenika, na glavnom gradskom Trgu Poljana, snage je u dva dana odmjerilo ukupno dvadesetak kvalitetnih i snažnih ekipa u dvije kategorije: Senior Elite i juniorskoj U-19 konkurenciji.
Nadmetanja obje večeri bila su jako uzbudljiva, zanimljiva i neizvjesna. Osobito se to odnosi na završnicu koja je odigrana u subotu navečer (12. kolovoza) u obje kategorije. Na kraju je, u napetoj finalnoj utakmici u Senior Elite konkurenciji, ekipa Aluplastik Živinice, koju čine igrači sa šireg popisa reprezentacije Bosne i Hercegovine u 3×3 košarci, svladala odličnu momčad 3×3 Ljubljana Jug iz Slovenije rezultatom 21:18. Time su pobjednici, osim puta u Debrecen i novih FIBA bodova, zaslužili i veliki pehar i novčanu nagradu od 2.000 eura. Aluplastik Živinice nastupio je u sastavu: Zlatko Golijanin, Meris Mazalović, Denis Meštrić i Nemanja Žigon. Žigon je u velikom finalu zamijenio nedavno ozlijeđenog Adu Korkutovića, inače kapetana ove ekipe, i baš je on, zbog svojih odličnih igara, odabran za MVP-a (najkorisnijeg igrača) Senior Elite turnira. Drugoplasirani finalisti iz Slovenije zaslužili su novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 800 eura. Treće mjesto i nagradu od 400 eura u seniorskoj konkurenciji osvojila je hrvatska momčad Sportko. Sve je prštalo od uzbuđenja i u juniorskoj U-19 kategoriji, gdje je u finalnom dvoboju, na vrlo efektan način – pogađanjem „dvice“ sa zvukom sirene – ekipa Nitui tijesnim rezultatom 14:13 pobijedila ekipu Ukraine U17 iz Ukrajine. Strijelac te pobjedničke „dvice“, Ivan Pavković, izabran je i za MVP-a juniorskog dijela turnira.
Šibensko veliko finale bilo je po mnogo čemu spektakularno i posebno. Vrhunska produkcija događaja ovaj je put bila nadopunjena tehnološkim sadržajima koji su još pojačali cjelokupan izvrstan doživljaj cijeloga turnira. Primjerice, bile su tu dodatne kamere i dodatni veliki ekran na kojemu je okupljena brojna publika mogla pratiti utakmice uz gledanje uživo te ponovno u reprizi pogledati najzanimljivije ili sporne trenutke. Kao i na prethodnih devet izlučnih turnira, sve je utakmice uživo s komentarima prenosio Sportklub, a izravni prijenosi mogli su se gledati i na službenoj internetskoj stranici i službenoj Facebook stranici, kao i na YouTube kanalu PRO 3×3 Toura. Valja istaknuti kako je PRO 3×3 Tour u šibenskom velikom finalu prvi u Hrvatskoj uveo korištenje videotehnologije u odigravanje i prijenos utakmica 3×3 košarke. Sve utakmice pokrivane su simultano pomoću osam kamera koje su se, na zahtjev ekipa ili samih sudaca, koristile za provjeru pojedinih odluka sudaca. Svaka ekipa imala je pravo na jedan tzv. challenge, odnosno zatražiti preispitivanje po jedne sudačke odluke po utakmici. Akteri Završnog turnira pohvalili su ovakvu odluku organizatora, ocijenivši kako je ona značajno doprinijela smanjivanju broja spornih situacija na minimum.
Osim iznimno kvalitetnih 3×3 košarkaških utakmica tijekom oba dana turnira okupljeni su mogli uživati i u popratnim zabavnim i edukativnim sadržajima, s naglaskom na nagradne igre šutiranja „dvica“ i slobodnih bacanja. Drugoga dana (subota, 12. kolovoza) u poslijepodnevnim satima organiziran je i već tradicionalni Kids Day, u sklopu kojega su održane edukativne radionice o osnovama i pravilima 3×3 košarke te natjecanja u šutiranju „dvica“ i slobodnih bacanja. Kids Day je izazvao veliko zanimanje najmlađih pa su u njemu sudjelovale brojne djevojčice i dječaci. U Šibeniku je također održana i promocija posebne mobilne aplikacije i interaktivnog plakata ovogodišnjeg Toura, a organizatori su nagradili i najbolje fotografije finalnih utakmica u juniorskoj i seniorskoj kategoriji te kratke videosnimke najboljih košarkaških trikova koje su snimili i poslali im gledatelji.
Ivan Paić, predsjednik Organizacijskog odbora PRO 3×3 Toura 2023., jako je zadovoljan ovogodišnjim izdanjem Toura. „Prošlogodišnja prva sezona PRO 3×3 Toura bila je odlična, ali usudim se reći kako smo ove godine cijelu priču u svakom pogledu podignuli na još višu razinu, što nam dokazuju i komentari i pohvale koje smo dobili i dobijamo s različitih strana. Nakon devet izlučnih turnira u devet hrvatskih gradova, ovo veliko finale, odnosno Završni turnir u Šibeniku, bilo je doslovce šlag na torti. Sve je bilo sjajno – i suradnja s lokalnim partnerima i sponzorima i zbilja velik odaziv i izvrsne reakcije publike i, posebice, kvaliteta odigranih utakmica i u seniorskoj i u juniorskoj konkurenciji. Kao što sam već rekao po samom završetku finala – nismo imali samo privilegiju organizirati i promovirati, već i uživo gledati tako kvalitetne, napete i neizvjesne utakmice u kojima su doslovce odlučivale jedna ili dvije lopte. Zahvaljujem Gradu Šibeniku, Turističkoj zajednici grada Šibenika, medijskim kućama te ostalima koji su nam pomogli u realizaciji velikog finala za pamćenje. Naravno, na kraju ovogodišnjeg Toura još jednom zahvaljujem svim našim sponzorima, donatorima i partnerima bez kojih ovo sve ne bi bilo moguće. No, u prvom redu čestitam sjajnoj PRO 3×3 Tour ekipi koja je na hvale vrijedan način iznijela ovu golemu organizaciju koja je, zajedno s pripremama, trajala više od pola godine. Vidimo se u proljeće i ljeto 2024., u trećoj sezoni PRO 3×3 Toura, za koju već imamo nove ideje”, istaknuo je Ivan Paić.
PRO 3×3 Tour 2023. organizirala je Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Sponzori su HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Jana Sport, Bigraf, Hell i Lenovo. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub, Sportnet.hr i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency.
Detaljnije informacije o ovogodišnjem Touru i velikom finalu u Šibeniku možete pronaći na službenoj internetskoj stranici https://pro3x3.hr/ te na društvenim mrežama Toura.
Vidimo se u 2024. godini, u trećoj sezoni PRO 3×3 Toura!