Dvodnevnim spektakularnim turnirom, održanim 10. i 11. svibnja 2024. na atraktivnoj lokaciji rive podno Kule Kamerlengo u Trogiru, otvorena je treća sezona PRO 3×3 Toura, serije međunarodnih turnira u 3×3 košarci 3×3, pod punim nazivom PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel.
U jakoj međunarodnoj seniorskoj konkurenciji prvi ovogodišnji turnir PRO 3×3 Toura 2024 driven by Opel osvojila je ekipa 3×3 Srebrenik iz Bosne i Hercegovine, koja je u iznimno napetoj finalnoj utakmici, odigranoj u subotu navečer, 11. svibnja, svladala hrvatsku ekipu Borik Bjelovar rezultatom 21:20. Osim FIBA bodova, prvoplasiranoj momčadi u Senior Elite Men kategoriji pripala je i novčana nagrada od 2.000 eura, drugoplasirana ekipa dobila je iznos od 600 eura, a trećeplasirana momčad Pharma Classic 400 eura. Pobjednici su nastupili u sastavu: Abdulgani Ahmeljić, Zlatko Golijanin, Armin Hrštić i Nemanja Žigon. I ove godine na PRO 3×3 Touru održavaju se ogledi juniorskih U-19 ekipa u 3×3 košarci. Pobjednik juniorskog nadmetanja u Trogiru postala je ekipa Široki koja je u finalu svladala momčad Kaštela rezultatom 22:13. Treće mjesto osvojila je ekipa Mazguni.
“Jako nam je drago što je prva postaja ovogodišnjeg PRO 3×3 Toura bio upravo prelijepi grad Trogir, koji se i drugu godinu zaredom pokazao kao izvrstan domaćin. Od srca zahvaljujemo na odličnoj suradnji i potpori Gradu Trogiru i Turističkoj zajednici grada Trogira“, istaknuli su iz Udruge PRO 3×3, glavnog organizatora PRO 3×3 Toura 2024. driven by Opel. Dodaju kako se 3×3 košarka pokazala kao idealan sport za odigravanja na top turističkim destinacijama, što dokazuje i velik broj inozemnih gledatelja uz teren oba dana turnira. Drugoga dana u Trogiru je organiziran je i Kids Day s brojnim sadržajima i događanjima namijenjenima djeci koji je polučio odaziv mnogih mališana. Bila je organizirana i edukacija o 3×3 košarci za igrače, suce, pomoćne suce, djecu i gledatelje. Na kraju druge večeri dogodio se i emotivan i zanimljiv događaj jer su nazočni sudionici, organizatori i posjetitelji zajednički, uz izravan prijenos nastupa hrvatskog predstavnika Baby Lasagne na Eurosongu, spontano i veselo zaplesali na taktove pjesme „Rim Tim Tagi Dim“!
Druga postaja PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ponovno se nalazi na morskoj obali, a idući turnir bit će organiziran već u petak i subotu, 17. i 18. svibnja 2024., u divnom Hvaru, ponovno na atraktivnoj lokaciji – hvarskoj Pjaci, odnosno Trgu Svetog Stjepana. Inače, ovogodišnji PRO 3×3 Tour će se u razdoblju od 10. svibnja do 17. kolovoza 2024. održati na ukupno 10 impresivnih lokacija, većinom u središtima gradova, diljem Hrvatske.
Riječ je o jedinstvenom sportsko-turističko-edukativnom događaju koji ima i natjecateljski karakter. Osim financijske nagrade za najbolje, sve prijavljene ekipe iz Hrvatske i inozemstva prikupljaju bodove kako bi na taj način pokušale osigurati plasman na veliko finale u sklopu ovog Toura koje će biti organizirano 16. i 17. kolovoza 2024. u Šibeniku. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024. driven by Opel ponovno ima prestižan status FIBA Quest za mušku Elite kategoriju pa će pobjednik Završnog turnira 12. i 13. listopada 2024. putovati na FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters u Amsterdam (Nizozemska)!
PRO 3×3 Tour organizira Udruga PRO 3×3, uz potporu Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske te tvrtke Energy Basket d.o.o. Glavni sponzor je Opel, a sponzori su još HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran produkcija, Enlio, Tahograf i Antao 2002. Medijski pokrovitelji i partneri su Sportklub, i Pixsell Photo & Video Agency. Partneri i sponzori turnira u Trogiru su Grad Trogir i Turistička zajednica grada Trogira.
Vidimo se ubrzo u Hvaru!
The third season of the PRO 3×3 Tour, a series of international tournaments in 3×3 basketball 3×3, under the full name PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel, was opened with a two-day spectacular tournament, held on May 10 and 11, 2024, at the attractive location of the waterfront under the Kamerlengo Tower in Trogir.
In strong international senior competition, the first tournament of this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel was won by the 3×3 Srebrenik team from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which defeated the Croatian team Borik Bjelovar with a score of 21:20 in an extremely tense final match played on Saturday evening, May 11. In addition to FIBA points, the first-placed team in the Senior Elite Men category received a cash prize of 2,000 euros, the second-placed team received 600 euros, and the third-placed Pharma Classic team received 400 euros. The winners were: Abdulgani Ahmeljić, Zlatko Golijanin, Armin Hrštić and Nemanja Žigon. Trials of junior U-19 teams in 3×3 basketball are also being held this year at the PRO 3×3 Tour. The winner of the junior competition in Trogir was the Široki team, which defeated the Kaštela team in the final with a score of 22:13. The third place was won by the Mazguni team.
“We are very glad that the first stop of this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour was precisely the beautiful city of Trogir, which proved to be an excellent host for the second year in a row. We sincerely thank the City of Trogir and the Tourist Board of Trogir for their excellent cooperation and support,” said the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), the main organizer of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel. They add that 3×3 basketball has proven to be an ideal sport for playing at top tourist destinations, as evidenced by the large number of foreign spectators at the court on both days of the tournament. On the second day, Kids Day was organized in Trogir with numerous contents and events intended for children, which received the response of many little ones. Education about 3×3 basketball was also organized for players, referees, assistant referees, children and spectators. At the end of the second evening, an emotional and interesting event took place because the participants, organizers and visitors together, along with the live broadcast of the performance of the Croatian representative Baby Lasagna at the Eurovision Song Contest, spontaneously and happily danced to the beats of the song “Rim Tim Tagi Dim”!
The second stop of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel is again on the sea coast, and the next tournament will be organized already on Friday and Saturday, May 17 and 18, 2024, in wonderful Hvar, again at an attractive location – Hvar’s Pjaca, that is, St. Stephen’s Square. By the way, this year’s PRO 3×3 Tour will take place in the period from May 10 to August 17, 2024 at a total of 10 impressive locations, mostly in city centers, throughout Croatia.
It is a unique sports-tourist-educational event that also has a competitive character. In addition to the financial prize for the best, all registered teams from Croatia and abroad collect points in order to try to secure a place in the grand final as part of this Tour, which will be organized on August 16 and 17, 2024 in Šibenik. PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel once again has the prestigious FIBA Quest status for the men’s Elite category, so the winner of the Final Tournament on October 12 and 13, 2024 will travel to the FIBA 3×3 World Tour Masters in Amsterdam (Netherlands)!
The PRO 3×3 Tour is organized by the PRO 3×3 Association (Udruga PRO 3×3), with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the company Energy Basket d.o.o. The main sponsor is Opel, and other sponsors are HEP, Jamnica ProSport, Bigraf, Jana, Hell, Lenovo, Mediteran production, Enlio, Tahograf and Antao 2002. Media sponsors and partners are Sportklub, and Pixsell Photo & Video Agency. The partners and sponsors of the tournament in Trogir are the City of Trogir and the Tourist Board of Trogir.
See you soon in Hvar!
Organizers of the PRO 3×3 Tour 2024 driven by Opel